Guidelines for Markers
It can be a little intimidating to be a marker of a club championship for the first time. This page of guidelines aims to make the experience easy and even enjoyable!
- Record names on the scoreboard in the same order as on the scorecard.
- At the completion of every end record scores on scorecard and scoreboard, after the players have agreed on the result.
- At the end of the game ensure the card is signed by both players.
The Head
- Chalk touchers and remove chalk from non-touchers.
- Mark the position of touchers and jacks in the ditch.
- Remove dead bowls from outside the rink boundaries with the agreement of the players.
- At the request of the opponent, stop and return any bowl played out of turn.
- Stand behind and to the side of the head.

- Ensure the Jack is centred and is no less than 23 metres from the mat.
- If in doubt the marker may call the umpire.
- If a 2m Jack placement is required, ensure it is behind and touching the chalk line.

- Measure shots if requested by either player, but do not remove any bowls, unless the result is agreed by both players.
- If you do not want to measure call an umpire.
Responses to Questions
- Answer any specific question addressed to you by the player in possession of the mat.
- When requested clearly indicate the shot if possible.
- If in doubt inform the player it is a measure.
How to Answer Specific Questions Asked by Players
It is very important to only answer the questions asked, remain alert and stay impartial.